squeeze造句在用"squeeze"造句 - 查查在線詞典的討論與評價
造句 與例句 手機版 · We all got in , but it was a squeeze . · Year after year he had squeezed that soil . · A gas is squeezed into a smaller volume .
squeeze造句在squeeze 造句/ 例句 - 趣词词典的討論與評價
squeeze 造句 / 例句. 1. We managed to squeeze six people into the car. 我们在那辆车上挤进了六个人。 《牛津词典》. 2. Seven people in the car was a bit of a ...
squeeze造句在squeeze造句 - 搜狗搜索的討論與評價
巴斯,你介意我挤在你旁边吗? ... Squeeze in. That's it. Historic occasion. Everyone, smile. 挤一挤。这是历史性的时刻。大家一起,微笑。 ... Now, Chloe must squeeze in ...
squeeze造句在用squeeze造句 - 乐学英语的討論與評價
我们都进去了,可是太拥挤了。 It's difficult to find squeeze in a sentence. 用squeeze造句挺难的; I had to sit squeezed up against the wall .
squeeze造句在squeeze在线翻译_英语_读音 - 海词词典的討論與評價
squeeze 的用法和样例:. 例句. 用作动词 (v.) Kara squeezed the bottle, and the water rushed out.
squeeze造句在squeeze造句_用squeeze造句大全_快好知 - kuaihz.com的討論與評價
squeeze造句. 1. He managed to squeeze through the crowd at last. 2. Don't squeeze the kitten, you will hurt it. 3. Give the tube of toothpaste a squeeze. 4.
A way to squeeze profits out of a rapidly sinking business? 是要从一个急剧衰落的行当中挤压利润? 已赞过 已踩过<. 你对这个回答的评价是?
squeeze造句在用squeeze造句- 脱壳百科网的討論與評價
用squeeze造句. by squeeze挤出词组怎么搭配 at 2022-01-01 04:06:16. 在京东找到了邓紫棋摩天动物园彩胶31件邓紫棋摩天动物园彩胶的类似商品,其中包含了邓紫棋摩天 ...
squeeze造句在電子書Zest: How to Squeeze the Max out of Life Cope | 蝦皮購物的討論與評價
書名:Zest: How to Squeeze the Max out of Life 作者:Cope 出版商:John Wiley 出版日期:20 ... it's about squeezing every last drop out of who you already are.
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