


Baal在巴力- 维基百科,自由的百科全书的討論與評價

巴力夏曼(Baal Shemem或Baal Shamen): 腓尼基地方的主神,意思為「天空之神」。 巴力哈達(Baal Hadad): 迦南地方的主神,主司土地及豐饒。有一些學者極力主張巴力和 ...

Baal在Baal | Definition, Myths, Worship, & Facts | Britannica的討論與評價

Baal, god worshipped in many ancient Middle Eastern communities, especially among the Canaanites, who apparently considered him a fertility deity and one of ...


Baal ,譯名巴力,猶太教以前迦南的主神,太陽神,雷雨和豐饒之神,達貢之子。曾打敗過邪惡的海神雅姆,並在女戰神阿娜特的協助下年復一年地與死神莫特相搏, ...



    巴尔(Baal) ... 巴尔可谓号称最有人气的堕落神!是耶和华最大的敌人。所罗门王七十二柱之一,这位神祇的历史可以追溯到西元前一千四百多年前的闪族就有在崇拜的记录,是闪( ...

    Baal在Baal:Baal ,譯名巴力,猶太教以前迦南的主神,太陽神的討論與評價

    Baal ,譯名巴力,猶太教以前迦南的主神,太陽神,雷雨和豐饒之神,達貢之子。曾打敗過邪惡的海神雅姆,並在女戰神阿娜特的協助下年復一年地與死神莫特相搏, ...

    Baal在Baal | Diablo Wiki | Fandom的討論與評價

    "Baal was the most brash and reckless of the Prime Evils. After the Dark Exile, he was contained in the Horadrim Tal Rasha and entombed.

    Baal在Baal - World History Encyclopedia的討論與評價

    Baal (also given as Ba'al) is a Canaanite-Phoenician god of fertility and weather, specifically rainstorms. The name was also used as a ...

    Baal在baal中文, baal是什麼意思:巴爾 - 查查在線詞典的討論與評價

    baal 中文::巴爾;太陽神…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋baal的中文翻譯,baal的發音,音標,用法和例句等。

    Baal在The Ugaritic Baal Cycle - 博客來的討論與評價

    書名:The Ugaritic Baal Cycle,語言:英文,ISBN:9789004153486,頁數:859,作者:Smith, Mark S./ Pitard, Wayne T.,出版日期:2008/12/15,類別:人文社科.

    Baal在Baal definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary的討論與評價

    Baal in British English · 1. any of several ancient Semitic fertility gods · 2. Phoenician mythology. the sun god and supreme national deity · 3. (sometimes not ...

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