bts my universe歌詞、my universe空耳、my universe攻略在PTT/mobile01評價與討論,在ptt社群跟網路上大家這樣說
bts my universe歌詞關鍵字相關的推薦文章
bts my universe歌詞在[中英韓歌詞] My Universe - BTS feat. Coldplay - 低調處理中...的討論與評價
You, you are my universe and 你是我的宇宙. I just want to put you first 我只想將你放在第一順位. And you, you are my universe, and I… 你是我 ...
bts my universe歌詞在【歌詞翻譯】Coldplay & BTS - My Universe 中文+原文歌詞Lyrics的討論與評價
Coldplay & BTS - My Universe的歌詞翻譯,翻譯儘量忠實呈現原意,內容有錯漏歡迎留言告知,內嵌影片來自Youtube,如遭移除請見諒。
bts my universe歌詞在Coldplay & BTS - My Universe|歌詞翻譯與歌曲介紹 - 夢想課的討論與評價
〈My Universe〉在發行首週便空降告示牌單曲榜冠軍,成為BTS 的第六首冠軍單曲, ... Coldplay & BTS – My Universe|歌詞翻譯與歌曲介紹|兩大天團的首次合作.
bts my universe歌詞在ptt上的文章推薦目錄
bts my universe歌詞在COLDPLAY X BTS 《My Universe》歌詞翻譯(英/韓/中 ...的討論與評價
前陣子釋出COLDPLAY 和BTS要合作的消息,不少人都超級期待,今天完整版的音源終於出來了! ... COLDPLAY X BTS 《My Universe》歌詞翻譯(英/韓/中).
bts my universe歌詞在Coldplay 酷玩樂團& BTS 防彈少年團- My Universe 心之宇宙 ...的討論與評價
前幾天宣布要世紀大合作的Coldplay & BTS · You are 你就是 · And you, you are my universe, and I… · In the night I lie and look up at you 夜晚與你並躺 ...
bts my universe歌詞在Coldplay & BTS - My Universe 空耳 - LAMzen 空耳- 痞客邦的討論與評價
You (You), you are (You are) my universe · 你就是我的全宇宙 · And I (I), just want (Just want) to put you first · 永遠擺在我心中第一順位.
bts my universe歌詞在My Universe的歌詞– Coldplay & BTS - MyMusic的討論與評價
And you, you are my universe, and I… In the night I lie and look up at you. When the morning comes I watch you rise. There's a paradise they couldn't capture
bts my universe歌詞在COLDPLAY X BTS 《My Universe》歌詞翻譯(英/韓/中)-泡菜版的討論與評價
前陣子釋出COLDPLAY 和BTS要合作的消息,不少人都超級期待,今天完整版的音源終於出來了!!!!!!大家趕快來聽 歌詞/翻譯You, you are my universe ...
bts my universe歌詞在Coldplay X BTS - My Universe 中文空耳的討論與評價
官方MV You, you are my universe and 你你是獨屬於我的宇宙You you are my universe and I just want to put yo.
bts my universe歌詞在[韓中] Coldplay X BTS “My Universe”歌詞翻譯的討論與評價
Coldplay X BTS “My Universe” You, you are my universe and I just want to put you first And you.